Colesville Tennis Ladder
FREE: Challenge somebody to join

Questions etc: email or 301-595-5744
Last updated October 18,2019
Blue paid a Sep/Oct Match

Final Summer 2019 Standings

Ladders run from Apr 15 until Oct 15

Last Year's (2018) Matches. (Help)? on this screen

Enter 2019 Match Results Here:
Colesville Tennis Ladder Matches

      Match/Ladder Type       Month Day      
Winner         Loser       Score          
   32.OD - 10/03 20.Paul/Majewski > 21.Salazar/Moghimi 63,63
   31.OD - 10/01 18.Paul/Moghimi > 19.Salazar/Majewski 64,75
   30.OS - 09/29 02.Pete Corran > 10.Ted Sholar 36,63,62
   29.OS - 09/27 21.Paul Jacques > 03.John Prakash 63,67,60
   28.OS - 09/20 04.John Prakash > 03.Chris Abbuehl 64,10-8
   27.OS - 09/13 05.Chris Abbuehl > 03.John Prakash 86,62
   26.OS - 09/02 02.Pete Corran > 05.Chris Abbuelh 62,62
   25.OS - 09/03 08.Sam Lawhcharoen > 07.Rich Majewski 62,64
   24.OS - 08/24 02.Pete Corran > 03.John Prakash 52 Resigned injury
   23.OS - 08/16 03.John Prakash > 05.Chris Abbuehl 63,63
   22.OS - 08/11 02.Pete Corran > 05.Chris Abbuehl 62,62
   21.OS - 08/09 14.Mike Hancock > 04.Chris Abbuehl 61,61
   20.OS - 07/28 03.John Prakash > 04.Chris Abbuehl 61,75
   19.OS - 07/10 02.Pete Corran > 04.Chris Abbuehl 63,63
   18.OS - 06/29 20.RS Venkatachalam > 09.Rich Majewski 62,62
   17.OS - 06/22 02.Pete Corran > 05.John Prakash 63,60
   16.OD - 06/21 17.Thompson/Salazar > 15.Howard/Ulf 16,75,61
   15.OS - 06/14 05.John Prakash > 06.Chris Abbuehl 64,63
   14.OS - 06/11 11.Rich Majewski > 09.Sam Lawhcharoen 67,64,10
   13.OS - 06/01 02.Pete Corran > 19.Ted Sholar 76,67,10(10,7)
   12.OS - 05/31 10.Clever Salazar > 17.Rich Majewski 61,60
   11.OS - 05/27 17.Chris Abbuehl > 07.Ira Thompson 75,16,10(7-5)
   10.OS - 05/27 12.Sam Lawhcharoen > 13.Farshid Moghimi 76,64
    9.OS - 05/15 04.Pete Corran > 03.Asif Mirza 62,62
    8.OS - 05/11 05.Steve Allen > 06.John Prakash 61,63
    7.OS - 05/08 04.Pete Corran > 18.Mike Hancock 76(75),61
    6.OS - 05/03 11.John Prakash > 06.Ira Thompson 64,64
    5.OS - 05/02 08.Clever Salazar > 16.Rich Majewski 61,61
    4.OS - 04/28 04.Pete Corran > 11.John Prakash 62,62
    3.OD - 04/26 16.Salazar/Lutrey > 10.Moghimi/Majewski 75,62
    2.OS - 04/22 17.Steve Allen > 05.Ira Thompson 62,63
    1.OS - 04/18 04.Pete Corran > 16.Chris Abbuehl 63,62

Greencastle Rd Courts were Resurfaced:
Open Singles Ladder
    Name(level) W-L
  1. Stan Gasasira(4.0) (email)
  2. Pete Corran(4.0) 11-0 (email)
  3. Paul Jacques 2-0 (email)
  4. John Prakash 5-7 (email)
  5. Chris Abbuehl 2-9 (email)
  6. Sam Lawhcharoen 2-1 (email)
  7. Rich Majewski(3.0) 1-4 (email)
  8. Ted Sholar 0-2 (email)
    below didn't play a Sep/Oct Match:
  9. Mike Hancock 1-1 (email)
  10. RS Venkalachalam 1-0 (email)
  11. Asif Mirza 0-1 (email)
  12. Steve Allen 2-0 (email)
  13. Ira Thompson 0-3 (email)
  14. Clever Salazar(4.0) 2-0 (email)
  15. Farshid Moghimi 0-1 (email)
  16. Eric Manas(4.0) (email)
  17. Mikhael Cohn (email)
  18. Ed Appiah (email)
  19. Jovian Lubis (email)
  20. JJ Nathan (email)
  21. Alex Gerson (email)

Rich Majewski 6
Pete Corran 5
Ira Thompson 5
John Prakash 5
Farshid Moghimi 5
Clever Salazar 5
Chris Abbuehl 4
Jean Paul 3
Scott Lutrey 2
Steve Allen 2
Sam Lawhcharoen 2
George Howard 2
Richard Ulf 2
Mike Hancock 2
Asif Mirza 1
Ted Sholar 1
RS Venkalachalam 1
Paul Jacques 1

John Prakash 232
Chris Abbuehl 207
Pete Corran 194
Rich Majewski 145
Clever Salazar 113
Ira Thompson 83
  Farshid Moghimi 83  
Sam Lawhcharoen 65
Ted Sholar 53
Paul Jacques 52
Jean Paul 40
Mike Hancock 34
Steve Allen 33
George Howard 26
Richard Ulf 26
Scott Lutrey 20
Asif Mirza 16
RS Venkalachalam 16

CTL doesn't have any more money
for Charity Donations.
  (More about Charity Donations)  

Should we have prizes?
For most active players?
How about (pi t-shirts)?
Please email
or 301-595-5744
Open Doubles Ladder

  1. Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .John Nicolosi(3.5). . . (email)
  2. Jean Paul . . . . . . Farshid Moghimi . . 1-0 (email)
  3. Clever Salazar. . . . Rich Majewski(3.0). 0-1 (email)
  4. Jean Paul . . . . . . Rich Majewski(3.0). 1-0 (email)
  5. Clever Salazar. . . . Farshid Moghimi . . 0-1 (email)
    Players below didn't play a Sep/Oct match:
  6. Ira Thompson . . . . .Clever Salazar(4.0) 1-0 (email)
  7. George Howard(3.5). . Richard Ulf(3.5). . 0-1 (email)
  8. Scott Lutrey . . . . .Clever Salazar(4.0) 1-0 (email)
  9. Farshid Moghimi(3.1). Rich Majewski(3.1). 0-1 (email)
  10. Stan Gasasira . . . . Asif Mirza. . . . . . . (email)
  11. Steve Allen . . . . . Joe Skillman. . . . . . (email)
  12. Stan Gasasira . . . . Flora Peitzmeier. . . . (email)
  13. Steve Allen . . . . . Mark Peitzmeier . . . . (email)
  14. Brett Otero . . . . . JJ Nathan . . . . . . . (email)
  15. Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .Medaris Banks . . . . . (email)
  16. Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .Bob Weaver. . . . . . . (email)
  17. Melvin Jones(3.5). . .Steve Allen . . . . . . (email)
  18. Neville Platt . . . . Pete Hotchkiss. . . . . (email)
  19. Neville Platt(3.0) . .Clever Salazar(3.5) . . (email)
  20. Dean Ogata(2.6). . . .Rich Majewski(3.0). . . (email)
  21. Pete Corran(3.5). . . Peter Brocenos. . . . . (email)