Colesville WINTER Tennis Ladder
FREE: Challenge somebody to join

Questions etc: email or 301-595-5744
Last updated October 20,2021.

Like Summer Ladder but:

No dropping for monthly inactivity.
You don’t have to accept challenges.
Anybody can challenge anybody.

Ladders run from Oct 15 until Apr 15

Summer (2021) Matches.

Currently there's nobody on the Winter Ladders.
Please record the next match you play
as a CTL Winter Ladder Match.
Thank You!

Enter Winter Match Results Here:
Colesville Tennis Ladder Matches

      Match/Ladder Type       Month Day      
Winner         Loser       Score          
    2.?? - 02/17 99.Winner > 01.Loser score
    1.?? - 02/17 99.Winner > 01.Loser score

Winter Singles Ladder

  1. ?????
  2. ?????
  3. ?????

Winter Doubles Ladder

  1. ????? . . ????? . .
  2. ????? . . ????? . .
  3. ????? . . ????? . .